Wear Purple Day Group Photo

Thursday, October 24, 2019 | 12:50 pm - 1:00 pm

Show that the JCC community is aware of domestic violence issues by taking a stand!

Purple is the color associated with domestic violence awareness. Share photos online of yourself wearing purple, and tag @NYSOPDV and use the hashtags #PurpleThursday and #NYGoesPurple4DV.

Taking place during National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the goal of Wear Purple Day is to raise awareness about domestic, spousal, and teen dating violence. Purple is a color that has long been used by women seeking justice. Women are the primary victims of domestic violence, but both men and women can be victims. One in three women and one in four men have suffered abuse in relationships. Violence suffered by men from women is usually lower-level violence such as slaps, while men are more likely to engage in extreme violence, and even kill their partners.

Sponsored by the campus life program.


Student Union (Jamestown Campus), Main Building front steps (North County Center)
